Natural Ways to Freshen the Air in Your Home

We spend a considerable part of our day inside the house. The air we breathe has a direct impact on our health and wellbeing, and it is important to ensure freshness indoors. In this post, we are sharing some incredible natural ways to freshen the air inside your house.
- Try essential oils. All you need is the right mix of essential oils and a diffuser. Try the electric or clay diffusers, and you can try oils like lavender and lemongrass, which instantly can change your indoor environment. Websites like Oily Gal have a long list of essential oils that are great for air freshening.
- Use vinegar for cleaning. If you have figured the source of unpleasant scent in your home and want to get rid of that, your best bet is vinegar mixed in water. You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil, or fresh lime juice to add some extra scent. Just be careful with vinegar, because you cannot always use it everywhere.
- Increase ventilation. Once in a while, forget the HVAC systems and allow fresh air to come inside the house through windows and doors. Remove the curtains, and if that means sweating for a couple of hours, that is completely okay. Nothing beats fresh air in the house, as long as you don’t live next to an area that is known for air pollution levels.
- Natural candles. Besides essential oils, you can try using natural candles, which are made of beeswax and are absolutely safe for home use. The best thing about beeswax candles is the fact that you don’t have to worry about smoke or suit, and most of the better brands use essential oils, so everything about these candles is absolutely natural.
- Himalayan pink salt may help. You may find Himalayan pink salt lamps in the market, and these are known to purify air. You can choose to place next to your desk or bed, and even when the lamp is not on, having Himalayan pink salt in the room helps in freshening and purifying the air.
- Add indoor plants. This one is a no-brainer. Some plants are just ideal for indoor placement and add oxygen to the environment. Areca Palm is a good option, but you can check with your local landscaping service to know the varieties that are likely to do better in your region, keeping weather in mind.
Things to know
If you intend to use essential oils, always go for undiluted and therapeutic grade oils. What you inhale is more important, so avoid these cheap diffuser oils that often contain artificial fragrances. Also, ensure that your home has enough ventilation, and if you don’t have a good air purifier yet, consider getting one. The bad news is we often don’t realize indoor air pollution, and with plants, essential oils and more ventilation, you can actually change the air you breathe.
Try the best essential oils in a diffuser, or check for reed diffusers, which are also very efficient for freshening and adding scent to air.